
I’m a lecturer at Dundee University. Transparency in research and teaching is important, so it seems like a good idea for me to list the organisations which have been nice enough to fund my more recent work (although I don’t speak for any of these organisations, and I don’t speak for my current employer):

  • I’m employed as a lecturer by Dundee University. The Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) funded my salary for a period, although this is no longer the case. I’ve attended a number of SIPR and Dundee University conferences and events, which sometimes included coffee, lunch or drinks; Dundee University has also funded some research-related travel for me (for example, to conferences).
  • I’m working on the Nordforsk-funded project “Taking surveillance apart” and an ESRC-funded project on access to and uses of environmental information.
  • I have worked on projects that received funding from the Oak Foundation and from the Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience. I have also led a project funded by SIPR.
  • I was given a funded place on the Scottish Crucible scheme (which covered attendance at several workshops) and they have provided just under £4,000 to fund a project on human trafficking and online networks.
  • I have previously been employed to teach at Newcastle University, had a little teaching work at Durham University, worked at Durham as a research associate on the ESRC– and NWO-funded Data Wars project, and had a short period of research associate work (on forensic science) at Strathclyde.
  • My PhD research was funded by the ESRC.
  • I had a consulting agreement with the Robert Schalkenbach Foundation which helped me to write this paper.
  • I earned around £400 for some work on social theory and social change for the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL). I donated my earnings from this project to charity.
  • I have earned an unimpressive amount (my share was under £100) for writing for the Guardian website. I’ve received £67.47 from Elsevier for some writing for them; the Elsevier payment has been donated to charity. I also earn a small amount (under £100/year) in writing royalties through the ALCS.
  • I have had assistance with conference and meeting attendance from BISA, the Food Standards Agency, and some universities; some of these events included coffee, lunch or drinks. DSTL funded my attendance and stay at a symposium in the South of England.

I’m pleased that different organisations have funded my work – I wouldn’t be in my current job otherwise – and hope and expect that the above is a list of potential rather than actual conflicts of interest. For reasons of transparency, though, it seemed a good idea to make this public.

One interesting thing that came to mind as I was writing this is how far back do I go…  I have listed funding from my PhD studies onwards, but should I also list things like funding for my Masters or summer jobs that helped me support myself?

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